Image provided by Wynn Las Vegas

Image provided by Wynn Las Vegas
Wynn Las Vegas
Design & Engineering
Vendor Management
Show Control
Machinery Automation
Performer Flying
Service & Support
A visual feast of performers, puppets, and props, Awakening at Wynn Las Vegas requires pinpoint machinery automation to enable the complex behind-the-scenes choreography and myriad audience-facing cues.

Image provided by Wynn Las Vegas
We had been successfully automating the iconic Le Reve show at the Wynn for the past 20 years, and our proprietary TAIT Navigator Automation Platform now provides all motion control and safety supervisory operations for its’ spectacular, Awakening Las Vegas show.
Image provided by Wynn Las Vegas
Created by world-renowned producers Baz Halpin, Bernie Yuman, and award-winning puppet master Michael Curry, Awakening at Wynn Las Vegas is a dazzling, immersive spectacle with breathtaking characters, costumes, and creatures. The show is set to a soaring original musical score in one of the most technologically advanced theaters in the world. The venue for Awakening Las Vegas features a wide range of electrical and hydraulic equipment from an equally wide range of vendors. Unifying all machinery with one control system was a key challenge of this project.
Image provided by Wynn Las Vegas
TAIT NavigatorTM is employed in many of the world’s largest spectaculars. And for good reason – its interlock programming ensures system safety while streaming live 3D axis-position data to lighting and video departments unifying the effects from all technical departments. Navigator’s distributed architecture also allows for multi-operator control, ensuring faultless machine synchronization throughout the show. Just two of the many reasons Navigator was chosen to automate the multiple elements – including soaring aerialists and acrobats – that make up the stunning Awakening show.
Producer and Director
Baz Halpin
Executive Producer/ Producer
Bernie Yuman
Producer and Character Designer
Michael Curry
Rick Gray