Wide shot of corporate entrance with large windows overlooking skyline
Location Based Experience

Sun Life Financial

Sun Life Financial Corporate Headquarters


Leading insurance company Sun Life Financial reimagined its corporate headquarters as a hub that nurtures human connection and collaboration. Partnering with TAIT, the company envisioned a collection of "digital canvases" throughout its Toronto headquarters. These interactive installations would transform the space into a dynamic and engaging environment for its employees.

Woman interacting with LED screen showing timeline
Man interacting with LED screen display
We designed and developed nine unique digital installations, which were conceived to serve as both art and interactive tools to connect employees. Among the installations is the WEfi Wall, a playful piece designed to promote teamwork. The concept builds a sense of community and belonging by encouraging employees to take selfies together that contribute to a dynamic collage wall. The Sun Life Interactive Wall is a touch-enabled display that presents information from social media feeds and news updates.
The Executive Table features dual projectors and interactive screens that automatically activate for approaching users. One screen shows motivational content, quotes, and historical photos, while the other displays news about Sun Life headquarters around the globe. The Sun Life Timeline invites employees to explore the company's history. As they swipe and tap, they can delve deeper into key milestones and events, uncovering the story of Sun Life’s legacy.
Table with LED interactive display
Blonde woman interacting with table

Meeting spaces are transformed, with interactive content sparking conversation about the company’s broader mission and communal spaces are imbued with a sense of history allied with a connection to up-to-the-minute information. By creating interactive and engaging experiences, Sun Life has cultivated a collaborative and connected environment fit for the new world of hybrid working.

produced by
Thinkwell, now tait
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